Category: Interviews

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Does Humanity Need an AI Nanny?

3.85K Views0 Comments

At 9:33 Dr. Ben Goertzel explores the desirably of creating an artificial intelligence to watch over the species. He proposes to build an "AI Nanny" system "whose job it is to protect us from ourselves and our technol...

Turing Test dismissed – George Dvorsky

2.88K Views0 Comments

As many reported yesterday, a chatbot has passed the Turing Test, though under some very convenient conditions. The announcement has led some to declare that the age of AI is finally here, but that's nonsense. Here's ...

Turing Test passed? (about Eugene Goostman)

2.97K Views0 Comments

Ben Goertzel's in depth assessment of the reality behind the Eugene Goostman Turing Test results. @ 18:00 min: "I don't think there is any way anyone will consider this a real milestone in the path toward making huma...

Science is the Engine of Prosperity

2.93K Views0 Comments

Dr. Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist, bestselling author, acclaimed public speaker, renowned futurist, and popularizer of science. As co-founder of String Field Theory, Dr. Kaku carries on Einstein's quest to un...

Geschiedenis Silicon Valley 3 – Alexander Klöpping, DWDD University

2.88K Views0 Comments

Internetjournalist Alexander Klöpping reisde naar Silicon Valley en doceert over z'n bevindingen in het mekka van de IT industrie. Aandacht voor de toekomst van de digitale wereld en ons moderne leven.

Geschiedenis Silicon Valley 2 – Alexander Klöpping, DWDD University

3.55K Views0 Comments

DWDD University deel 2: Alexander Klöpping - 3-5-2013 Internetjournalist Alexander Klöpping reisde naar Silicon Valley en doceert over z'n bevindingen in het mekka van de IT industrie. Aandacht voor de toekomst van...

Geschiedenis Silicon Valley 1 – Alexander Klöpping, DWDD University

2.68K Views0 Comments

DWDD University deel 1: Alexander Klöpping - 26-4-2013 Internetjournalist Alexander Klöpping reisde naar Silicon Valley en doceert over z'n bevindingen in het mekka van de IT industrie. Aandacht voor de toekomst va...

Seth Godin on Failing Until You Succeed

6.17K Views0 Comments

Author Seth Godin shares his views on taking risks, challenging the status quo and starting a business with Bryan Elliott for 'Behind the Brand.'

Ray Kurzweil – Futurist

2.69K Views0 Comments

Ray Kurzweil is a 21st century polymath. He is a scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, author, visionary and futurist. As a scientist and inventor he has pioneered work in optical character recognition (OCR), speech reco...

Steve Jobs Lost Interview 1990 – A must watch for any entrepreneur

3.13K Views0 Comments

Steve Jobs is a perfect icon for the the modern entrepreneur. A orphan from middle class America living in Silicon Valley becomes a global icon. "We didn't build Apple to be a company, We started it to make compute...

Panel: Hugo de Garis, Ben Goertzel, Steve Omohundro – Transcendent Man Premiere

5.83K Views0 Comments

This was filmed at Nova Cinema at the Transcendent Man premiere in Australia, the night before the Singularity Summit Australia. There was an adhoc poll on the issue of Species Dominance. - Melbourne Australia ...

Our Final Invention – James Barrat

2.94K Views0 Comments

Singularity 1 on 1: James Barrat on Our Final Invention For 20 years James Barrat has created documentary films for National Geographic, the BBC, Discovery Channel, History Channel and public television. In 2000, d...

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