Category: De toekomst

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Building Gods Documentary – Transhumanism Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology

5.96K Views0 Comments

This film by Ken Gumbs tackles the issue of pending greater-than-human artificial intelligence and the possible ramifications. Different individuals with different backgrounds are interviewed on the subject, including...

Time To Envision Who We Are And Where We Want To Go – Steve Omohundro

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Steve Omohundro is a scientist, professor, author, and entrepreneur who has a Ph.D. in physics but has spent decades studying intelligent systems and artificial intelligence. His research into the basic "AI Drives" wa...

Book: WWW Trilogy – Robert J. Sawyer

2.89K Views0 Comments

Review of WWW Trilogy, by Kron Kyrios This review is from: WWW: Wake (Hardcover) Personally, I see this as one long story, and would not recommend simply reading any one or two volumes of this trilogy. Therefore, ...

The AI Intelligence Explosion – Luke Muehlhauser

6.10K Views0 Comments

Interview on AI, the Singularity, and it's importance. Questions/Talking points: What is Intelligence? Differences: AI & AGI Spectrums of General Intelligence Forecasting AI Accelerating Returns ...

Singularity Or Bust [Full Documentary]

3.41K Views0 Comments

2009 - Film-maker and former AI programmer Raj Dye spent his summer following futurist AI researchers Ben Goertzel and Hugo DeGaris around Hong Kong and Xiamen, documenting their doings and gathering their perspective...

Is Femtotech Alien Techology? – Hugo de Garis

3.67K Views0 Comments

Femtotech: Computing at the femtometer scale using quarks and gluons How the properties of quarks and gluons can be used (in principle) to perform computation at the femtometer (10^-15 meter) scale. I’ve been thin...

Elon Musk warns about AI – Vicarious

4.18K Views0 Comments

Elon Musk warns about the dangers of AI. Elon Musk is investor in the AI company Vicarious: Another company in this field: Watch the full interview (AI part starts at 1...

The Perils of Prediction: Ben Goertzel, Lawrence Krauss, Steve Omohundro

3.37K Views0 Comments

Panel near the end of the Singularity Summit Australia 2011 on the Perils of Prediction (well the benefits as well - excuse the catchy title). Lawrence Krauss , Steve Omohundro and Ben Goertzel set sail on an epic ad...

Radical life extension and biological immortality – The Immortalist – Jason Silva

3.17K Views0 Comments

A MEDITATION ON THE WILL TO BECOME IMMORTAL... a love letter to science and philosophy that explores the idea of engineered radical life extension and biological immortality featuring Ray Kurzweil among others... by J...

Foresight and the Singularity – Vernor Vinge – Interview

6.36K Views0 Comments

Interview with renowned author Vernor Vinge - about the Technological Singularity, ways to think about it, strategic forecasting, future studies and risk. Specific Topics: The Beginnings of the Term: 'Technological Si...

Artificial Superintelligence: A Futuristic Approach – Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy

3.43K Views0 Comments

Roman V. Yampolskiy holds a PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo. There he was a recipient of a four year NSF (National Science Foundation) IGERT (Integrative...

Does Humanity Need an AI Nanny?

3.85K Views0 Comments

At 9:33 Dr. Ben Goertzel explores the desirably of creating an artificial intelligence to watch over the species. He proposes to build an "AI Nanny" system "whose job it is to protect us from ourselves and our technol...

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