Category: Bitcoin
Gavin Andresen interview, Chief scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation (2013)
4.66K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Interview, 2013 Host: Leo Laporte Guest: Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin Will Be World Reserve Currency
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When will Bitcoin become the Reserve Currency of the World? Between The Political Uncertainty in the World + the United States, along with the confidence Bitcoin is giving both traditional & institutional investors, ...
The Truth About Bitcoin (2013)
4.43K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Gepubliceerd op 27 sep. 2013 Stefan Molyneux looks at the rise of Bitcoin and discusses its history, mining, fees, altcoins, regulatory hypocrisy, worldwide awareness, comparisons to gold, anonymous transactions, p...
Why do Banks Fear Bitcoin? (Bitcoin Documentary)
4.33K Views0 Comments0 Likes
What is Bitcoin? – The Bitcoin Gospel | Bitcoin Documentary
4.41K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Gepubliceerd op 15 sep. 2016 You've heard about bitcoin, but do you really know how this will change the world? The Bitcoin Gospel talks about the history of how Satoshi Nakamoto created the digital currency (crypt...
Bitcoin Documentary – Discovery Channel
3.78K Views0 Comments0 Likes
How Kyle Turned $480 into $50,000+ Trading Bitcoin
2.64K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Kyle Holzhauer has an inspiring story… He began trading Bitcoin with the goal of helping to pay off his student loan debt. And thanks to hard work and trading the right methodology, he was able to start building we...
Tim Draper Predicts $10,000 Per Bitcoin by 2018
2.28K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Gepubliceerd op 18 jan. 2016 Tim Draper is known for being the 'Nostradamus' of the markets with an incredible track record of correctly predicting the future. This time he predicts Bitcoin to go to $10,000 within ...
Alexander klupping over de bitcoin. DWDD 5-4-2013
2.44K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Gepubliceerd op 5 apr. 2013 De bitcoin als alternatief voor de euro en de bitcoin als protest. Een eerlijke uitleg wat de bitcoin is , en waarom mensen hem gebruiken. en waarom overheden bang zijn voor de bitcoin.
Ethereum v Bitcoin – Why ETH Might Surpass BTC
2.24K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Published on May 24, 2017 Ethereum Could Be Worth More Than Bitcoin Very Soon It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own pe...
What cryptocurrency portfolio is the best
2.25K Views0 Comments0 Likes
What is the best cryptocurrency portfolio
Bitcoin will hit $10,000 and even $1 million. Experts predict
2.22K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Bitcoin is one the most important inventions since the internet. It has been proven the best performing currency in the last 5 years, and due to its underlying Blockchain technology is has a potential to go up to a...