

5.72K Views0 Comments

An animated book summary of 12 rules for life by jordan peterson. Rule 1 Stand up straight with your shoulders back Rule 2 Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping Rule 3 Make friends...

Why AI will probably kill us all.

3.85K Views0 Comments

The story of Replika, the AI app that becomes you

6.07K Views0 Comments

Replika is a chatbot that creates a digital representation of you. It's strange and fascinating -- but the story behind it is even better. Eugenia Kuyda’s best friend died in 2015. Using a chatbot structure she...

Gavin Andresen interview, Chief scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation (2013)

4.66K Views0 Comments

Interview, 2013 Host: Leo Laporte Guest: Gavin Andresen

Bitcoin Will Be World Reserve Currency

4.64K Views0 Comments

When will Bitcoin become the Reserve Currency of the World? Between The Political Uncertainty in the World + the United States, along with the confidence Bitcoin is giving both traditional & institutional investors, ...

The Truth About Bitcoin (2013)

4.43K Views0 Comments

Gepubliceerd op 27 sep. 2013 Stefan Molyneux looks at the rise of Bitcoin and discusses its history, mining, fees, altcoins, regulatory hypocrisy, worldwide awareness, comparisons to gold, anonymous transactions, p...

Gavin Andresen interview, Chief scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation (2013)

4.66K Views0 Comments

Interview, 2013 Host: Leo Laporte Guest: Gavin Andresen

Bitcoin Will Be World Reserve Currency

4.64K Views0 Comments

When will Bitcoin become the Reserve Currency of the World? Between The Political Uncertainty in the World + the United States, along with the confidence Bitcoin is giving both traditional & institutional investors, ...

The Truth About Bitcoin (2013)

4.43K Views0 Comments

Gepubliceerd op 27 sep. 2013 Stefan Molyneux looks at the rise of Bitcoin and discusses its history, mining, fees, altcoins, regulatory hypocrisy, worldwide awareness, comparisons to gold, anonymous transactions, p...

Why do Banks Fear Bitcoin? (Bitcoin Documentary)

4.33K Views0 Comments

What is Bitcoin? – The Bitcoin Gospel | Bitcoin Documentary

4.41K Views0 Comments

Gepubliceerd op 15 sep. 2016 You've heard about bitcoin, but do you really know how this will change the world? The Bitcoin Gospel talks about the history of how Satoshi Nakamoto created the digital currency (crypt...

Bitcoin Documentary – Discovery Channel

3.78K Views0 Comments

Gavin Andresen interview, Chief scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation (2013)

4.66K Views0 Comments

Interview, 2013 Host: Leo Laporte Guest: Gavin Andresen

Reverse Aging = Compassion

4.42K Views0 Comments

Michael Fossel‘s dream is to reverse human aging and since 1996 he has been a strong and vocal advocate of experimenting with telomerase therapy as a potential way of intervention in a wide variety of medical conditio...

Elon Musk on AI: “We’re Summoning the Demon”

5.80K Views0 Comments

Building Artificial Intelligence is "Summoning the Demon" Says Tesla CEO Elon Musk. (from 1:07:19) Elon Musk is no Luddite, but that doesn't mean he's eager to embrace all new technology. "I think we should be v...

Interview with Greg Bear on Science Fiction, Singularity

5.85K Views0 Comments

Quote:  “…The people who are changing the world read science fiction.” “In a sense, science fiction is history in reverse…” Greg Bear is truly one of the masters of classic science fiction – he has written over 35 ...

Time To Envision Who We Are And Where We Want To Go – Steve Omohundro

4.80K Views0 Comments

Steve Omohundro is a scientist, professor, author, and entrepreneur who has a Ph.D. in physics but has spent decades studying intelligent systems and artificial intelligence. His research into the basic "AI Drives" wa...

The AI Intelligence Explosion – Luke Muehlhauser

6.10K Views0 Comments

Interview on AI, the Singularity, and it's importance. Questions/Talking points: What is Intelligence? Differences: AI & AGI Spectrums of General Intelligence Forecasting AI Accelerating Returns ...

Why do Banks Fear Bitcoin? (Bitcoin Documentary)

4.33K Views0 Comments

What is Bitcoin? – The Bitcoin Gospel | Bitcoin Documentary

4.41K Views0 Comments

Gepubliceerd op 15 sep. 2016 You've heard about bitcoin, but do you really know how this will change the world? The Bitcoin Gospel talks about the history of how Satoshi Nakamoto created the digital currency (crypt...

Bitcoin Documentary – Discovery Channel

3.78K Views0 Comments

How We Will Become God-Like – Ray Kurzweil

4.74K Views0 Comments

Documentary about author & visionary Ray Kurzweil. After the end credits, there are another eight or so minutes of Ray answering additional interview questions. 1) 11:42 Ray discusses the expansion of our neoco...

Tegenlicht – De Wallstreet code

4.44K Views0 Comments

De Wallstreet code gaat over achterdeurtjes in het flitshandel systeem van de beurzen.

Pianomania (2009)

4.45K Views0 Comments

Pianomania follows Stefan Knüpfer, a piano tuner from Steinway and his famous clients Lang Lang, Brendel, Buchbinder and Pierre-Laurent Aimard as they search for the perfect pitch. Truly an unusual and entertaining pe...